Registration is now open for UKFin+ launch events!

Exciting news! Registration is now open for both UKFin+ launch events! Join us for one of two incredible events: a workshop in Birmingham and a drinks reception in London the following day. Connect with industry leaders, academics, and researchers in the financial services and fintech space, and be part of the solution to wicked problems in the … Read more

Fintech North launches digital sandbox and Fintech marketplace

Fintech North launches digital sandbox and Fintech marketplace

The platform launched last summer, allowing the Fintech North community to collaborate, build products and find customers. The platform is free of charge for members of the Fintech North community and is a fantastic resource for regional collaboration. Northern FinTechs and financial services corporates will benefit in two main ways: 1. Access publicly available real … Read more

Professor Karen Elliot attends CFIT Launch Event

Professor Karen Elliot attends CFIT Launch Event

Professor Karen Elliot, one of the Co-Is for UKFin+ attended the launch of the Centre for Finance, Innovation and Technology (CFIT) on the 27th of February. “CFIT was set up following the Kalifa Review of Fintech (2021) to position the United Kingdom as a global leader in financial innovation. CFIT’s purpose is to unblock barriers … Read more