Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
UKFin+ EDI Statement
A commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is crucial to allow the UK Fin Network Plus to achieve its aims. EDI has been positioned as one of the core principles of the Network, ensuring the inclusivity of different perspectives and lived experiences.
This will allow the network to:
- Create a diverse community, which will encourage creative thinking and problem-solving
- Extend the talent pipeline
- Gain public credibility and comfort in embracing new technologies
The project team sets expectations of itself to lead by example, be transparent and open to challenges. Individuals who are contributing to the project are expected to be respectful and inclusive in their approach to working with others and to support their colleagues to thrive. Project partners are expected to have explicit statements and/or policies for EDI, including procedures for dealing with harassment or complaints as appropriate to their size.
The network will put this into practice by creating an inclusive environment, removing barriers to engaging with the project and taking practical action to support inclusive project design and practice.
An inclusive environment will be created through:
- Continually learning from good practice
- Open, clear and transparent communications
- Creating an open environment, where individuals are empowered to speak up
- Securing diverse speakers and panel members
- Having clear expectations of event attendees through a code of conduct
Removing barriers will be done by:
- Requiring applicants to explicitly state what actions they will take to support inclusion
- Thinking innovatively about approaches to inclusion
- Appointing one or more advisor(s) for EDI matters
- Empowering individuals engaging with the project to have a say in how they engage
- Co-design of project activities
- Expecting to see applicants from across the range of career levels in each team applying for funding
Inclusive project design, practice and evaluation will be developed through:
- Providing clear and transparent pre-application advice and support for funding opportunities, written in plain English
- Requiring all beneficiaries of funding to have published commitments to EDI, including procedures for dealing with harassment or complaints
- Requiring funding panel members to be trained in inclusive decision-making
- Collecting data on key diversity characteristics of who we fund, wherever this can be done in compliance with GDPR
- Appointing a dedicated EDI advisor on all funding panels
- Sharing good practice
- Providing an opportunity for applicants to confidentially inform the panel of any EDI considerations they wish to be considered.
Any individual or organisation engaged with the project who has a concern about fairness, openness, transparency, respect and inclusion should contact the UKFin+ team at [email protected], explaining what happened and who was involved so that this can be investigated. The team aims to acknowledge your communication within one working day, and to provide a timeline for addressing your concern within three working days.
The project team will schedule time to review and reflect on EDI as needed and at least annually, being informed by data for the funding schemes, critical independent review and project feedback.