Research Showcase 2024

UKFin+ invites you to participate in our Research Showcase event, where we will conclude our financial inclusion spotlight, launch our research agenda and our next spotlight on game-changing technologies. The event will take place in Manchester on Wednesday the 20th of November 2024, doors open at 9.30am and the event will finish by 4pm.


9.30 – Doors open

10 – Research Agenda

10.30 – Financial Inclusion Spotlight

12 – Lunch and Networking

1.30 – The Collaboration Journey

2 – Game Changing Technology Spotlight

3.30 – 4 – Close

Research Agenda: 

UKFin+ research agenda collates the insights gained so far through our co-production workshops.  The research agenda aims to curate the wicked challenges faced by financial services and identify where academic research in advanced technology can help to manage these challenges.  The agenda will enable both industry and academic researchers to identify potential areas for collaboration and inform funding bodies of priority areas for investment.

Financial Inclusion Spotlight: 

The session will open with a keynote from Lauren Langton, followed by presentations from UKFin+ funded projects on financial inclusion and a panel discussion. 

Launch of the Game-Changing Technology Spotlight: 

The session will open with a keynote from Carsten Maple, followed by presentations from UKFin+ funded projects on game-changing technologies and a panel discussion. 

UKFin+ research showcase flyer with image of Manchester at sunrise in the background

UKFin+ Research Showcase – Manchester

10- 4pm Wednesday 20th November 2024

ect.venues – Westminster House, 11 Portland St, Manchester M1 3HU, UK

Lunch is provided free of charge to all attendees. 

Up to 20 travel and subsistence bursaries of up to £200 are available for early career researchers on a first come, first served basis. Early career status is normally up to 8 years from PhD, longer to account for career breaks. Proof of early career status is not required. Please e-mail [email protected], if you would like to request an early career travel bursary. 

Sign up here!

UKFin+ Research Showcase – Manchester

10- 4 pm Wednesday 20th November 2024

UKFin+ Research Showcase Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Joanne Dewar

Project Nemo Lead

Carsten Maple

Professor of Cyber Systems Engineering in WMG

Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion Spotlight: 

The hurdles obstructing financial inclusion in relation to digital technologies are complex and multifaceted. From widening access to banking services and closing the digital divide to enhancing financial literacy and tackling regulatory barriers, we face a myriad of challenges that demand innovative solutions. By bringing academia and industry together, we can harness the transformative power of technology to empower marginalised communities, foster trust, and pave the way for a more inclusive financial future.


Dr Clare Wiper 

Northumbria University

Feasibility: Designing out economic abuse in the UK banking industry

Dr Reinhard Weisser 

UWE Bristol

Pilot: The Impact of FinTech Apps on Consumer Wellbeing 

Dr Nicholas Micallef 

Swansea University

Pilot: DEFEND: Designing Age-Friendly Digital Banking Technologies

Dr Arthur Thiel

Birmingham City University

Pilot: Inclusive FinTech: Co-Creating Inclusive Future Financial Technologies with Disabled Communities

Game-Changing Technology

Launch of the Game-Changing Technology Spotlight: 

The final session launches UKFin+ next spotlight on game-changing technology. Game-changing technologies are those expected to have a disruptive effect on the financial services sector and society, providing opportunities to improve efficiency and provide innovative services.  Alongside opportunity they bring risk and uncertainty. The next UKFin+ spotlight will focus on how game-changing technologies can be used for good in financial services.  


Dr Endrit Kromidha

University of Birmingham

Agile: Fintech entrepreneurship and innovation in online black markets

Dr Geetika Jain

UWE Bristol

Agile: Enhancing Consumer Knowledge of Crypto Assets

Dr Barry Quinn

Queens University Belfast

Feasibility: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Enhance and Understand Regulatory Compliance in the Investment Management Industry

Dr Abhirup Ghosh

University of Birmingham

Pilot: Unfed: selective forgetting in federal financial applications 

Sign up here!

UKFin+ Research Showcase – Manchester

10- 4 pm Wednesday 20th November 2024