UKFin+ Spotlight

Game-Changing Technology November 2024 – April 2025

Our next spotlight is on Game Changing Technology, running from November 2024 to April 2025.

The rapid emergence of new, game-changing technologies is now a staple of the modern world, reshaping industries and creating new ones. Despite having greater resources, established companies often struggle to adapt due to rigid business practices and existing technology commitments, leaving them vulnerable to agile newcomers. Without proactive strategies, entire product lines or firms can fail in surprisingly short time frames. 

Adapting to change is a critical challenge for the industry, requiring agility and the development of innovative techniques and tools to accelerate technology adoption. This effort demands interdisciplinary research, with academia and industry working together to tackle these wicked problems. The Game-Changing technology spotlight highlights three technologies that we expect to drive change in the financial services industry in upcoming years and decades. 

Our spotlight on Game- Changing Technology is bringing attention to these issues, and more, related to this topic. During this period, while our funding remains open to all applications, we will prioritise fostering connections and supporting collaborations that work with Game-Changing Technology. We’re hosting workshops and running a series of ‘wicked lunches’ to foster collaborations between academia and industry, and sharing challenges from industry partners working on game-changing technology for academics to respond to.

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