Agile Project: FinTech for Dementia: Co-Designing Inclusive Future Financial Technologies for Older Adults living with Dementia and Caregivers
Project Summary
FinTech for Dementia: Co-Designing Inclusive Future Financial Technologies addresses the challenges older adults living with dementia and their carers face in accessing financial technologies. We aim to address this issue by engaging older adults with dementia and carers/families, charity representatives, and stakeholders from the financial sector in a collaborative co-design process. Over four months, the project will conduct a systematic literature review, a survey to gather opinions from dementia and FinTech experts about challenges faced by older adults living with dementia when using financial technologies and co-design workshops focusing on designing accessible FinTech applications and co-designing actionable recommendations for future digital financial products. By analysing survey responses and engaging stakeholders, the project aims to create proof-of-concepts and recommendations that will guide the financial sector toward more accessible and inclusive practices in the future. Partnering with the BUDS charity, this agile project seeks to drive innovation and promote greater accessibility in financial technologies for managing personal finances, ultimately benefiting older adults living with dementia and their communities in the United Kingdom.
Project team